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    Help Protect Mettams & Watermans Natural Coastal Amenities

    The City of Stirling is investigating options for managing coastal erosion at Mettams and Watermans.

    Some of the options include huge groynes, seawalls and breakwaters which are an eyesore and we believe will cause erosion problems and damage the precious natural amenities (including the beach and surfing).

    Submerged multi-purpose (ecology enhancing surfing) reefs are a nature-based solution which we believe will manage erosion risk and not only preserve the natural amenities but will improve the swimming, snorkelling, diving, fishing and of course surfing at these places.  

    If you don’t want to see ugly large man-made constructions damaging our precious natural amenities and want to support us in our effort to help the City of Stirling arrive at the best solution for Mettams and Watermans, please join many others in our North Coast Community NCC WhatsApp group.

    Sign-up to stay informed

    If so could you please provide your mobile phone number, email address and occupation (this to demonstrate to the Council that we are a diverse range of people to negate comments such as ‘they’re just a bunch of surfers”!).

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